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È così che tutto comincia

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Being born is not complicated, and dying is also very easy. So living is not necessarily impossible. All you have to do is follow the rules and apply the principles, knowing that in every circumstance there is a solution, a way of reacting and behaving. Life is just one long series of insignificant problems to which everyone should know the answer.

This is the view of the protagonist, Madame, who, with extremely amusing etiquette, shatters the hypocrisies of coexistence and shows the double bottom of the senseless ceremonials that guide us in their repetitive circularity.
In their notes on the project, Mariangela Granelli and Fabrizio Montecchi state: ‘We immediately saw the stage as a classroom, the audience as students in an evening course on the rules of living in modern society, Madame as a sullen and inflexible teacher, assisted by a concierge - a DIY stage hand. You're not in a theatre, you're in a classroom: you're not there to watch, you're there to study and, if need be, to learn codes, conventions, etiquette and rituals.

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