Become a partner

The project, initiated by publishers specialising in theatre (see more info on the page ?), will offer a range of annual subscription options from 31 October 2024 :

Supported by the CNL (Centre national du livre) for its creation, does not benefit from public operating subsidies. We therefore need your support to cover hosting and maintenance costs.

A Premium subscription for €15/month

You have an account : you can add a text, a show, a calendar, a structure or a person.
You can also :
- Add a link to your show resource page 
- Add a booking link to the calendar page

The name of your venue will be permanently displayed in the left-hand menu on the site, giving you direct access to your venue's program.

A solidarity subscription: €10/month

You have an account: you can add a text, a show, a calendar, a structure or a person.
You can also :
- Add a link to your show resource page 
- Add a booking link to the calendar page

Solidarity support: €1/month

You use the site and would like to support the service.

Open data

All the data collected (apart from the presentation texts) and put online will be under the Étalab open licence, which opens up full use of the data to third parties. An API will enable partners and other users to use the data for their own purposes.

You could, for example, integrate the map of shows on tour into your website, or retrieve all the dates of shows.

As each use is different, we will discuss the cost of using the data with you.


The Solitaires Intempestifs are behind this project, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

As the site is currently under development, it is slow, and we would be grateful if you did not distribute these first pages.

Have a nice summer...

François Berreur 
+33 [0]6 07 39 20 29

Provisional page for summer 2024