Updating is a participatory process. The resources on this site can be updated by anyone.
What do you need to do?
Register or open an account (free).
This will give you direct access to the features in the ‘Add’ menu
- A show
- A text
- A person
- A calendar
Access to modifications 
This button gives you access to editable content in the shows, calendars, texts, structures or people pages.
Who updates?
If you're a keen theatre-goer, you can update the pages of your favourite artists.
If you work in a theatre, you can update your programme.
If you are a publisher, you can reference your contemporary texts (authors or translators who are not in the public domain).
A few tips:
The greater the number of contributors, the easier and quicker it is to obtain exhaustive information.
For theatres, it's easy to contact the companies you schedule and ask them to update the performance dates of their shows (if you are a producer or co-producer, the performance calendars will be updated automatically).
For publishers, contact the authors and ask them to ask the companies to which they have granted rights to update the show pages.