Mothers A Song for the Wartime

Mothers. A Song for the Wartime

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A chorus of twenty-one women step out onto the bare stage. Among them are Ukrainian women in exile, Belarusian women who have fled persecution by Alexander Lukashenko's regime, and Polish women who have welcomed them to Warsaw. They range in age from eight to seventy. Together, they sing and whisper a plea against the war, made up of Ukrainian poems, nursery rhymes and lullabies, as well as contemporary testimonies, political statements and questions addressed to Europe.


Shows calendar

Powszechny Theater Warsaw | Varsovie
TnBA | Bordeaux
Théâtre du Rond-Point | Paris Book
Théâtre National Populaire (TNP) | Villeurbanne Book
In collaboration with Festival Sens Interdits
Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin | Berlin
Festival euro-scene | Leipzig
The National Festival of Directing Art Interpretations | Katowice
International Theatre festival Divine Comedy | Cracovie